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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: This research work is aimed at determine attitude of consumers towards public utilities. The power holding company (formally called NEPA) was established by Decree No 24 of 1st April 1972 with the amalgamation of Electricity corporation of Nigeria (ECN) and Niger Dan Authority (NDA). Power Holding Company formerly called NEPA was empowered to maintain an efficient coordinated and economic system of Electricity supply to all the Nooks and Crannies of the nation. Major power stations namely Yola, Delta and Afam thermal power station of Kanji power station serving more than two million customers nationwide. They propelled the nations technological and industrial growth, Power Holding Company formerly called NEPA has become the fastest and biggest growing electricity industry in Africa and in deed the developing world with impending condition like he ever-rising consumers debts vandalization of NEPA installation, high cost of maintenance inadequate gas supply, low water level at the hydro power station, high cost of foreign exchange and the abysmally low tariff regime.

Power Holding Company formerly called NEPA has always striven to meet its distribution and marketing of stable electricity to its numerous residential commercial and industrial customer against all odds. Inspite of some of its familiar operational shortcomings, PHC has made gaint – strides in the production and marketing of Electricity to the nation and beyond. A principal beneficiary of PHC. Extended electricity programme is the Republic of Niger under agreement with NIGELEC (Niger Electric Company) that country’s electricity monopoly.Similarly, in Sept 1996 an undertaking was signed between PHC and commercial Electrique Du Benin(CEB) which is responsible for the production transportation of electric energy in the Republic of Benin and Togo. Nigeria Government Policy on the development of public corporation was clearly defined in the year 1970/1974 Second National Development Plan document as follows:

“Statutory corporation and state owned company have become an important tools to public entertainment in the development process. Their primary aim is to stimulate and accelerate national scarcity and structural defects in private business organization. There are also basic consideration arising from the dangers of leaving vital sectors of the national economy to the wimps and caprice of the private sector often with the direct and remote control of foreign large scale industrial companies. Public corporation are therefore crucial in Nigerians quest true National economic independence and self reliance. The Power Holding Company formerly called NEPA being one of the statutory corporations is a household name. Presently, the corporation is gradually bringing a lot of re-thinking into the minds of Nigerian entrepreneur both private and public from making them to actually appreciate the modern market concepts, a management orientation which hold the key task of the organization to deliver the desired satisfactory service more effectively and efficiently.

Meanwhile, one of the implication of the concepts is that the consumers in any market segment will favour the offer of the organization who come close to satisfying the consumer’s particular needs and wants. Therefore, it is necessary for an organization to seek to understand customers preference, habits behaviour and criticism and to do this, the organization has to research into those things that attract consumers interest and influence their behaviour.Moreover, setting up an organization for the purpose mentioned before, an organization should better hold it responsible that survival of the organization depends much on the attitude of consumers towards the organization and its product or services. However the main priority of the management of Power Holding Company formerly called NEPA at Enugu metropolis is to identify influences on the attitude of consumers towards the organization the knowledge of variables, the consumers opinions, feelings and ideas about their services will help management of the marketing mix in other to achieve their objective. Also, it will enhance growth, expansion and to ensure greater rate of returns in public utilities. PHC. As a monopolist service industry recognize the important variable and even exploring other means of providing better services. Discussions on PHC features regularly on the pages of the periodical and dallies as well, as on the Radio and Television Programme. The frequency at which the newspaper and margarines publish materials on PHC tends to portrary the importance of electricity industry economic development.Finally, this research work is a conscious effort towards X- raying the overall customers attitude in relations to productivities and efficient power supply of electricity often referred to as heart beat of the nation.


This study is intended to find out the attitude of consumers towards

Public utilities. The growth and survival of an organization such as NEPA is paramount. This positive growth achievement of organizational goal is anchored on the effective performance of the organization.The problem is to determine the people’s response to price of public utilities positively or negatively. They respond negatively when PHC give much bills to consumers, which they did not expect. Determine consumers view about Power Holding Company formerly called NEPA and also determine the extent to which public demand PHC services.
